Ministry Of Health Releases New Guidelines For Covid-19 Home Based Care Amidst Surging Cases

By Uganda Online Media
President Yoweri Museveni has appointed Maj Tom Magambo who has been in the Internal Security Organisations(ISO) as the new police Criminal Investigations Director.
“President Museveni has promoted Private Tom Magambo to the rank of Major and appointed him Director Criminal Investigations of the Uganda Police Force,” the acting UPDF spokesperson, Lt Col Ronald Kakurungu said in a statement.
Kampala: Following the recent surge in Covid-19 cases in Uganda, the Ministry of Health has released guidelines for Covid-19 home-based care.
According to the ministry of health, the current increase in transmission rates has been attributed to the Omicron variant which is highly transmissible with a high likelihood of widespread community transmission.
As observed in waves 1 and 2, the Ministry said, many patients will likely remain asymptomatic or will present with mild symptoms.
“These patients will be managed at home under home-based isolation and care after consulting a skilled healthcare provider. Patients are advised to remain in contact with the healthcare provider until de-isolation),” the Ministry said in a statement.
The guidelines include; how to protect negative family/community members, where individuals are encouraged to isolate for 10 days.
The patients have also been encouraged to stay in a well-ventilated room with good airflow away from family /community members and use a face mask while interacting with family/community members.
They have been advised to strictly follow infection prevention and control standard operating procedures such as handwashing with soap and water, and ensuring the consistent and correct use of face masks and physical distancing.
How to give treatment at home
Adults and children 12 years of age
Fever with a temperature less than 37.°C:
Tablets of Paracetamol 1g every after 6-8 hours for 3 days.
Tablets of Zinc 20mg once a daily (every 24 hours) for 14 days
Cough syrup/expectorant for cough without danger signs
Children 6 to less than 12 years
Fever with a temperature greater than 37.5° C:
Tablets of Paracetamol 10-15mgs /kg every 6 to 8 hours for 3 days.
Tabs Zinc 20 mg once daily for 14 days
Nasal congestion:
Warm normal saline 2 drops in each nostril 3 times a day for 3 days
Cough syrup/expectorant for cough without danger signs
Children Under 5 Years up to > 2 months:
Fever with a temperature greater than 37.5° C:
Syrup Paracetamol 10-15mgs/kg every 4 to 6 hours for 3 days
Cough syrup/expectorant for cough without danger signs
Children < 2 months
Patients in this age category should be managed in the healthcare facility by a skilled health worker
The possible home remedies include:
A cocktail made of warm tea with honey, garlic.
Fresh juice from ginger/citrus fruits (lemon, orange, tangerine, passion fruits); to be taken as frequently as possible.
The ministry has emphasized the benefits of exercises in improving patient outcomes, noting that basic exercises (walking or jogging around the compound, breathing exercises) improve lung function.
While as there are no special foods recommended for COVID-19 patients are however advised to take; plenty of oral fluids; at least 10 glasses of water, fruit juice, and tea daily, citrus fruits (oranges, passion fruits, lemon) to boost the body’s Vitamin C reserve.
High energy giving foods like posho, rice, millet, potatoes, and Cassava, Fish like Nile perch, mushroom soup as sources of Vitamin D for the body have also been recommended.
Patients are also encouraged to sunbathe especially in the early morning sun to boost their Vitamin D intake.
People are encouraged to watch out for dangerous signs including increased body temperature greater than 39° C, change in mental state, increased heart and respiratory rate (2 times the normal rate) per minute (very fast breathing).
In case of these signs, the ministry has recommended that the patient (relative or community) healthcare worker should call the ambulance for evacuation of the patient to the nearest healthcare facility for further assessment and management.
Meanwhile, antibiotics will only be used after assessment and recommended by a skilled healthcare provider.