You’ve No Powers To Fire Me B’se You’re Not The King- Bunyoro Kingdom Prime Minister Andrew Byakutaga Dismisses Allegations Of Being Fired

By Uganda Online Media
Kampala: Bunyoro Kingdom Prime minister, Owek. Andrew Kirungi Byakutaga has dismissed reports currently circulating in media that he ( Byakutaga) and his two cabinet ministers including Attorney general, Edgar Agaba and minister for finance and planning Robert Owangonza have been ordered out of office over allegations of mismanaging kingdom finances, properties, other assets.
The leadership of Bunyoro Kitara Kingdom in a letter announced the indefinite suspension of their prime minister Owek. Andrew Kirungi Byakutaga for allegedly mismanaging kingdom finances and properties, lack of transparency, and accountability among other allegations.
In a letter dated 30 January 2022 from Mugenyi Fred Okwiri, the chief prince of Bunyoro Kingdom, the decision to suspend the prime minister followed a general meeting by the Babiito clan.
”Lack of transparency and accountability for Bunyoro Kitara Kingdom resources. For instance, fraudulent and dubious cash withdraws and expenditures of the Kingdom finances, where colossal sums of money are withdrawn several times on the same day by you and/or your co-signatories without any approved financial policy and activity plan in place,” the letter noted
According to the letter, Byakutaga has also been accused of mismanagement of the kingdom’s assets and property, withdrawing whooping amounts of money in a single day, and making fraudulent payments to the same recipient and gross mismanagement of the Kingdom’s assets was also quoted in the documents.
According to the letter, the assets include Bugoma Forest land, Royal burial grounds in the greater Kibaale, Semwema cultural site to mention but a few, which are alleged to have been misused by the prime minister.
Other accusations include involvement in the fraudulent sale of kingdom assets like the BKK landing site where the letter alleges he had an upper hand, in conniving with some land officials in Bunyoro to sell off the property.
However, following the announcement, Byakutaga in response fired back saying the chief prince Fred Mugenyi has no powers to appoint or dismiss any kingdom official either as an individual or by virtue of the authority he holds in his office.
”Whereas I respect the office of the Okwiri as the head of the Babiito Clan in the Bunyoro-Kitara Kingdom, I would like to categorically state that the purported author of the document has no powers, whatsoever, to appoint or dismiss any official of the Kingdom, either as an individual or by virtue of thee
the authority he holds in that office” Byakutaga retaliated in a statement.
According to Byakutaga, the king is the only appointing authority of the kingdom who can order him out of office.
”Rukirabasaija Dr. Solomon Gafabusa guru 1, the Omukama is the appointing authority of the Kingdom and the only one who can replace officials of the Kingdom as he pleases, which he has not done”. Byakutaga added.

Among other reasons, Byakutaga has also been accused of insubordination and disrespect of the Babiito ruling clan leadership and keeking the king hostage by blocking his close relatives.
”You are aware you interrupted my planned visit to Muhangaizima cultural site and you successfully blocked my verification program by telling security not to allow our delegation to step foot at the cultural site” Mugenyi further noted.
”Keeping our beloved King in hostage by blocking his close relatives from
accessing him including his official sister Batebe” Mugenyi’s letter added
Byakutaga has thus called upon all His Royal Majesty’s subjects to remain calm and ignore the said document with all its contents and treat it with the contempt it deserves adding that ll activities and programs of the Kingdom are continuing normally.