Steady Progress! Covidex Clinical Trial Results Expected To Be Out Soon

By Uganda Online Media
President Yoweri Museveni has appointed Maj Tom Magambo who has been in the Internal Security Organisations(ISO) as the new police Criminal Investigations Director.
“President Museveni has promoted Private Tom Magambo to the rank of Major and appointed him Director Criminal Investigations of the Uganda Police Force,” the acting UPDF spokesperson, Lt Col Ronald Kakurungu said in a statement.
Kampala: President Museveni has revealed that the clinical trial results of the COVIDEX a Ugandan-made Covid-19 remedy will come out in May 2022.
Museveni made the remarks while addressing the country on Covid-19 situation as well as delivering his new massage saying the medicine is currently being tried in a clinical setting.
Museveni further noted that through his research, he discovered that many COVID-19 patients have been cured by herbal remedies.
“Ugandan scientists and the community, the latter through their ancient knowledge of the environment, have discovered substances that seem to cure corona and other viral diseases. I have interviewed many patients, that have been cured,” he said.
”Dr Patrick Ogwang is now trying out the medicine in a clinical setting. We shall know the results of this clinical trial by May, 2022. This would be a pathfinder, in terms of medical care.” he added.
Prof. Patrick Ogwang is the inventor of COVIDEX, a drug that has been adopted by many in the management of COVID-19.
He also owns Jena Herbals (U) Ltd, a company that manufactures COVIDEX.
Museveni in his address noted that so far 11,377,067 vaccine doses have been administered and out of this, 3,756,248 million people have been vaccinated fully either with 2 dozes of the various vaccine types or the one vaccine of Johnson and Johnson.
Of the 22 million people (priority population for lifting lockdown), Museveni said, 45% (9,979,206) of the target population, have received at least one shot of the vaccine and 17% have been fully vaccinated.
“As of today, we have received a total of 20,658,940 million vaccine types that need two dozes to cover one person and 12,037,500 million of the single doze Johnson and Johnson. This means that we have already used 21,086,318 and what we have but have not used, have the capacity to vaccinate 8,503,631 million people or to cover 6.1million people due for the second dose,” he said.
“We are expecting another 7,319,610 million double doze vaccines, able to vaccinate 3,659,805million people and another 3,691,200 Johnson and Johnson able to vaccinate a similar number,” he added.