No Mandatory Covid-19 Testing For Students- Gov’t Cautions Schools Ahead Of Reopening

By Uganda Online Media
President Yoweri Museveni has appointed Maj Tom Magambo who has been in the Internal Security Organisations(ISO) as the new police Criminal Investigations Director.
“President Museveni has promoted Private Tom Magambo to the rank of Major and appointed him Director Criminal Investigations of the Uganda Police Force,” the acting UPDF spokesperson, Lt Col Ronald Kakurungu said in a statement.
Kampala: The Ministry of Education and Sports has cautioned proprietors of schools against mandatory Covid-19 testing for students ahead of reopening on Monday next week.
In his New Year address to the nation on 31st December 2021, President Museveni said all schools will open on January 10 and he tasked the responsible Ministries to come up with measures for safe reopening.
According to the Director of Basic Education in the education ministry, Ismail Mulindwa, the Ministry of Health has received information that some schools are directing students to do Covid-19 tests before reporting to schools; and that other schools have actually pre-positioned private laboratories to test students on arrival at the cost of students.
“Ministry of Health would like to advise that testing of pupils/students on admission or before arrival is not the official position of the Covid-19 National Task Force. The National Covid-19 guidelines for safe reopening of schools that were jointly developed by MOES and MOH provide specific guidance on how learners will safely return to schools,” part of the statement from the ministry reads.
“Testing learners on arrival was not one of the recommendations.”
According to the ministry of education, the major recommendations in the guidelines were based on three pillars; Putting in place a system for strict compliance to Covid19 Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) in every school.
Secondly, establishing a system for monitoring and isolating symptomatic cases in every school and reporting to the nearest health facility. Following this, if possible found necessary to test all learners in school because of soaring numbers, MoH undertakes to do so; not the private laboratories.
Lastly, in all schools, the staff and parents shall work closely with the communities and nearby health facilities to address Covid-19 issues in the school.